UltraTax CS: Deleting client locks, user locks, proforma locks and data mining file locks

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A client file cannot be opened by more than one user in a given year of UltraTax CS. Additionally, a client file cannot be open in more than one year of UltraTax CS at a given time. A proforma lock provides that only one person can be in the proforma window at a time.

If you receive a message stating that another user has a client open, and the user does not have the client open, complete the following steps to clear user or client locks in UltraTax CS.

  1. Choose Help > Repair.
  2. Click the File Locks tab.
  3. Mark the User locks or the Client locks option, depending on which one you need to clear.
  4. If there is a user or client listed, highlight the item, and click Delete Lock.

    Note: Do not delete any user locks other than the lock for the user who is no longer in UltraTax CS.

  5. When prompted, click Yes to delete the lock.
  6. Click Done to exit the Repair dialog. You can now open the client file.

For proforma and Data Mining Locks, if you receive a message that someone is accessing one of these features and no one actually is, complete the following:

  1. Choose Help > Repair > File Locks.
  2. Click the Screen Locks option.
  3. Highlight the lock and delete it.

Related topic

UltraTax CS: Deleting client locks, user locks, proforma locks and data mining file locks

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