Variations of tick marks and field notes

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Situation Icon

When all rows within a statement are marked and only one tick mark or field note color is specified, the color of the tick mark or field note icon in the input screen reflects the specified color used within the dialog.

When multiple tick mark and field note colors are specified within the statement, the icon in the input screen is black.

Field note example Tickmark example

Field note example Tickmark example

When only some rows are marked, the icon has a black background in the input screen.

When only one color tick mark or field note is specified within the statement, the appropriately colored icon has a black background in the input screen.

When multiple tick mark and field note colors are specified within the statement, the icon in the input screen is white with a black background.

Field note example Tickmark example

Field note example Tickmark example

When information within the statement has changed after tick marks were added, the tick mark icon has a red outline in the input screen.

When all rows are marked, some information has changed since the tick marks were added, and only one color tick mark is specified within the statement, the appropriately colored tick mark icon has a red outline in the input screen.

If multiple tick mark colors are specified within the statement, the tick mark icon is black with a red outline in the input screen.

Tickmark example

Tickmark example

When some rows are marked, some information has changed since the tick marks were added, and only one color is specified within the statement, the appropriately colored tick mark icon has a black background and a red outline in the input screen.

If multiple tick mark colors are specified within the statement, the tick mark icon is white with a black background and a red outline in the input screen.

Tickmark example

Tickmark example

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