Viewing client information from the UltraTax CS Home Page

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

In the Client Profiles section of the UltraTax CS Home Page, you can quickly open a client's return; search your client list by first or last name; update client contact information without opening the client's return; access return information; view return history (when applicable); view the status history of clients' returns; and add, edit, or view client external documents.

  1. Open the UltraTax CS Home Page, and click the Client Profiles link. UltraTax CS lists all clients in the Client Profiles section.
  2. To open the client's return, click the Open link.
  3. For more information about a client's return, click the Details link and then click the links in the upper-right to view Contact Information, Return Information, Return History, Client Status History, and Client External Documents. These panes enable you to view and edit contact information without opening the client's return; access return information; view return history (when applicable); view the status history of clients' returns; and add, edit, or view client external documents.


  • If the client's data is password-protected, you can see protected information only if you enter the client's password or the master password.
  • To sort the information in the Client Profiles section, click the column heading. For example, to alphabetically sort client names, click the Name column heading.
  • You can use the text fields above the selected column heading to search the information in each column. For example, to search for a 1040 client by first or last name, click the Name column, then enter the client's name in the search field above the column heading. 
View Description
Contact Information

The Contact Information view displays client's contact information. You can print or edit this information.

If you click the Edit link, the Edit Contact Information dialog opens, where you can edit the client's contact information without opening the client's return. When you update the client's contact information, the changes are saved in the client's file, and the Home Page refreshes to reflect the updated information.

Return Information

The Return Information view displays return information, such as the net invoice amount, the date each attached return is due, and the net amount due / (refund). You can print this information.

Click the Where's my refund link to quickly access the IRS website.

You can view or add client notes in this section. If the Client Note link is red, a note has been entered for the client; click the link to view the note.

You can also view the net invoice amount in this section. If the client invoice has been printed to FileCabinet CS, click the Net Invoice Amount link to view the invoice in a separate window.

Return History

The Return History view provides an overview of historical tax information compared with current and projected information. The report displays charts of key figures to facilitate comparisons that cover the prior four years, the current year, and the projection for next year. You can print this information.

The prior years information transfers from Screen History, the current-year amounts are calculated from data in the return, and the next year amounts are calculated from the Tax Projection Worksheet.

Client Status History

The Client Status History view displays the date, time, status event, time spent for that event, total time spent in the client, and the date the event happened in the prior year. You can print this information.

Note: Click the Total time link to view how much time each user spent on the client's return.

You can also mark the checkboxes in the Focus Events group box to display only particular status events in the list.

Note: User-defined status events that were logged in the prior year, but not in the current year, are listed in the "Event logged last year but not this year" section.

Client External Documents

The Client External Documents view displays any documents or other resources that were entered for the selected client.

These resources can include documents or other files, websites, and folder locations on your hard drive or network. This list displays the Description, Location, and Type of resource and indicates whether the resource will proforma to the following year. Click the [Edit] link to modify the external resources, or click [Print] to print the client external documents list.

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Using the UltraTax CS Home Page

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