Personal Identification Number (PIN) Program for 1040 electronic filing

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You have two options for communicating to the IRS that your clients have consented to file a 1040 return electronically with an electronic signature. You can enter a Practitioner PIN or a Self-Select PIN, both of which act as electronic signatures. In either case, you are required to enter additional data, as applicable, in federal Screen PIN in the UltraTax CS/1040 Electronic Filing folder.

  • Practitioner PIN method: With the Practitioner PIN method, the burden of responsibility for verifying the taxpayer / spouse identity lies with the Electronic Return Originator (ERO), and no additional proof of identity is required in the electronic return.
  • Self-Select PIN method: With the Self-Select PIN method, the burden of responsibility for verifying the taxpayer / spouse identity lies with the taxpayer / spouse. When you use the Self-Select PIN method, prior-year adjusted gross income, prior-year PINs (if applicable), and date(s) of birth must be included when you enter PIN information.

If your client is eligible to use these PIN options, the PINs become part of the client's electronic file. For more information about taxpayer eligibility for PIN options, see the IRS website at If a PIN is used, UltraTax CS generates a Self-Select or Practitioner PIN Consent to Disclosure form for you and your client, along with Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, if applicable. You are not required to submit Form 8879 to the IRS unless specifically requested by the IRS to do so. For more information about this process, see Using the IRS e-file Signature Authorization for electronic filing.

Note: Most states do not allow the IRS PIN option. UltraTax CS automatically generates a state Form 8453 equivalent if the state does not allow the IRS or state equivalent PIN option.

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