Using the self-select Personal Identification Number (PIN) signature (1040)

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Follow this procedure to use the self-select Personal Identification Number (PIN) to sign electronically filed 1040 returns.

  1. Complete the return as you would ordinarily, and print out a copy for the client and yourself to review.
  2. Click the Screen PIN tab in the Electronic Filing folder.
  3. Enter the ERO PIN, which is a self-selected set of five numbers. You may choose any five digits except for 00000. The actual ERO PIN is an 11-digit number, of which the first six digits is your IRS supplied EFIN and the last five digits consist of the self-selected numbers entered in Screen PIN.
  4. Complete the rest of the client information, including the prior-year adjusted gross income and prior-year PIN.

    Note: Prior-year AGI, prior-year PIN, and date(s) of birth are not required for Practitioner PIN program participants.

    Prior-year AGI must match exactly with the prior-year original return (not amended returns). The IRS will allow returns that have a prior-year adjusted gross income that does not match, but the prior-year PIN does match. An incorrect date of birth may slow IRS processing.

  5. Have the client(s) complete the Taxpayer (and Spouse, if necessary) PIN fields. Note that the PIN consists of five self-selected numbers of any combination except 00000.

    Note: As the electronic return originator (ERO), you can enter these PINs if you have the taxpayer's (and spouse's, if necessary) written signature on the Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization Form, which will print with the return if you elect to use the PIN. Do not mail this form to the IRS unless requested, but keep it with your records.

    If you submit a return with incomplete or inaccurate PIN information, the IRS will reject the electronic return.


  • If you are filing Form 4868 and are using the EFW option or filing Form 2350, you must enter the following information in Screen PIN. If you do not complete the required fields, UltraTax CS generates a diagnostic message and does not create the electronic extension file.

    • Preparer PIN
    • Taxpayer and, if applicable, Spouse PINs
    • Prior-year adjusted gross income from the original return (not the amended return)
  • The Practitioner PIN option is not available for Form 2350 electronic extensions.

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