1120-US: Schedule K-2 Automatic Completion

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Automatic completion of Schedule K-2 for S Corporations

If the S Corporation has no foreign source income, no assets generating foreign source income, no foreign partners, and no foreign taxes paid or accrued, the Schedule K-2 may still be required. UltraTax CS automatically transfers data from Form 1120-S to the U.S. source column on Schedule K-2, Part II and Schedule K-2, Part III, Section 2, Line 1 when you enter X in the S Corporation has no foreign activity field in Screen K2 in the Schedule K-2 folder.

Data used from Form 1120-S to automatically complete Schedule K-2

UltraTax CS prints the Schedule K-2 Worksheet when you enter X in the S Corporation has no foreign activity field in Screen K2 in the Schedule K-2 folder. The worksheet provides the detail of the amounts from Form 1120-S used to complete the U.S. source column of Schedule K-2, Part II and Schedule K-2, Part III, Section 2, Line 1. 

Change amounts used to automatically complete Schedule K-2

Use Screen K2USOnly in the Schedule K-2 folder to change the amounts UltraTax CS uses to automatically complete Schedule K-2.

The Schedule K-2 Worksheet provides the detail of the amounts from Form 1120-S that are used to complete the U.S. source column of the Schedule K-2. The worksheet also designates the amounts not determined by UltraTax CS, such as Gross income from services. Use Screen K2USOnly to change the amounts used to automatically complete Schedule K-2, or enter amounts not determined by UltraTax CS.

Other data required for automatic completion

You will need to complete the applicable fields in the U.S. source column in Screen K2-5 in the Schedule K-2 folder.

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