990-US: Forms included in the Public Inspection Copy PDF (FAQ)

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What forms are included in a Public Inspection Copy PDF?


The following table lists the items included in the Public Inspection Copy PDF.

Note: Items that are marked to never print in the Government collation are not included in the Public Inspection Copy PDF.

Form / Schedule Print conditions
Form 990 If printing
Form 990-EZ If printing
Form 990-PF If printing
Form 990-PF, Investment Gain Wrk If printing
Form 990-PF, Balance Sheet Info Wrks (4) If printing
Form 990-T If printing and organization is a 501(c)(3)
Form 990-T, Debt Financed Property Wrk If printing and 990-T prints
Form 990-T, Taxable Gain Property Wrk If printing and 990-T prints
Form 926 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 1023 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 1024 If printing and 990 or 990-EZ prints
Form 1041 Schedule D If printing and 990-T prints
Form 1120 Schedule D If printing and 990-T prints
Form 1116 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 1118 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 2220 If printing and 990-PF or 990-T prints
Form 2220 Worksheet If 2220 prints
Form 2848 (POA) Never
Form 3115 Never
Form 3468 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 3800 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 4136 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 4255 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 4506A Never
Form 4562 If printing
Form 4684 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF have ubits and prints or if 990-T prints
Form 4720 If printing and 990-PF prints
Form 4797 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF have ubits and prints or if 990-T prints
Form 5471 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 5471, Schedule J If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 5471, Schedule M If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 5471, Schedule O If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 5768 Never
Form 5884B If printing and 990-T prints
Form 6198 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 6478 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 6765 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8275 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8275-R If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8282 Never
Form 8283 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8453-EO Never
Form 8586 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8594 Never
Form 8609-A If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8611 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8621 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF prints
Form 8697 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8734 Never
Form 8821 Never
Form 8822-B Never
Form 8824 As required
Form 8826 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8844 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8846 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8866 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 8868 (Extension) Never
Form 8870 Never
Form 8879-EO Never
Form 8886 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 8886-T If printing
Form 8899 Never
Form 8918 Never
Form 8925 If printing and 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF prints
Form 8941 Never
Form 8949 If printing and 990-T prints
Form 90-22.1 Never
Form SS-4 Never
Form W-12 Never
Schedule A If printing
Schedule B If printing
Schedule C If printing
Schedule D - Financial If printing
Schedule E - Schools If printing
Schedule F - Foreign If printing
Schedule G - Gaming If printing
Schedule H - Hospitals If printing
Schedule I - Grants If printing
Schedule J - Compensation If printing
Schedule K - Exempt Bonds If printing
Schedule L - Interested People If printing
Schedule M - Noncash Contributions If printing
Schedule N - Liquidation If printing
Schedule O If printing
Schedule R - Related Orgs If printing

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