Entering summary asset data

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If you prefer, you can enter summary asset information directly into relevant input screens rather than entering detailed information in the asset module. UltraTax CS transfers the asset data you enter in the input screens to the appropriate lines on the tax return.

If you choose to enter summary asset data, you will not be able to enter detailed asset data for this client. Also, the asset information entered in the input screens will not be proforma'd next year; you will need to reenter the information.

The default is to enter asset data in the asset module. To tell UltraTax CS that you want to enter summary asset information for a client, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the desired client.
  2. Choose File > Client Properties and then click the Advanced Properties button.
  3. In the Advanced Properties dialog, click the Enter Asset Detail tab.
  4. Clear the Enter asset detail information checkbox. UltraTax CS removes the Asset tabs from all activity-based folders for this client and adds Screens 4562, 4684, Sale, 8824, 8829, CO, Auto, 2106, and 2106-2, as appropriate.
  5. Click OK to close all open dialogs.
  6. Enter asset information in Screens 4562, 4684, Sale, 8824, 8829, CO, Auto, 2106, and 2106-2, as required.

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