Printing 1040 Personal Identification Number (PIN) information without completing PIN data entry

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In some situations, you may want to print a tax return with the PIN form and filing instructions prior to entering all of the required Screen PIN data. UltraTax CS allows you to generate PIN forms and instructions without completing all required PIN fields. This allows you to send out returns with the Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, to clients for their signature and PIN number selection. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. Open the client's return in UltraTax CS.
  2. Click the Electronic Filing folder in the folders block.
  3. Click the PIN tab to open Screen PIN.
  4. Enter X in the Print electronic filing PIN signature forms field in the Other Personal Identification Number (PIN) Options section.


  • When you enter X in the Print electronic filing PIN signature forms field, UltraTax CS assumes that you intend to use the PIN option for this client. If you attempt to create an electronic file without completing all of the required data entry, UltraTax CS generates a business rule for all fields that have not been completed. If you decide not to use the PIN option, clear the Print electronic filing PIN signature forms field.
  • If you complete all required PIN fields, UltraTax CS automatically generates the PIN in the electronic file. In this case, it is not necessary to mark the Print electronic filing PIN signature forms field.
  • To mark this option automatically for all new clients, choose Setup > 1040 Individual, click the New Client Options button, and mark the Print electronic filing PIN signature forms (Screen PIN) checkbox in the Other group box of the New Client Options dialog.

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