Entering extension PIN information (1040)

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To enter Personal Identification Number (PIN) information for a Form 4868 or Form 2350, go to the PIN screen in the Electronic Filing folder. Both the IRS Self-Select and Practitioner PIN method are used to electronically sign the extension forms and authorize the direct debit for payment of a balance due.

Self-Select PIN method

With the Self-Select PIN method, the burden of responsibility for verifying the taxpayer / spouse identity lies with the taxpayer / spouse. When you use the Self-Select PIN method, prior-year adjusted gross income, prior-year PINs (if applicable), and date(s) of birth must be included when you enter PIN information.

To use the Self-Select PIN method:

  1. Go to the PIN screen in the Electronic Filing folder. 
  2. Enter the ERO PIN at the top of the screen.
  3. Enter the Prior year taxpayer PIN and Prior year taxpayer AGI.
  4. If there's a living spouse on the return, enter the Prior year spouse PIN and Prior year spouse AGI.
  5. In the Form 4868/2350 Extension PIN Information section, enter the Signature date and PIN authorization indicator
  6. To enter the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN: 
    • If paying via EFW, complete the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN - Extension electronic funds withdrawal field(s)
    • Otherwise, complete the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN field(s) toward the top of the screen.

Practitioner PIN method

With the Practitioner PIN method, the burden of responsibility for verifying the taxpayer / spouse identity lies with the Electronic Return Originator (ERO), and no additional proof of identity is required in the electronic return.

You cannot use the Practitioner PIN method to sign Form 2350.

To use the Practitioner PIN method:

  1. Go to Setup > Office Configuration > E-Filing tab > ERO button.
  2. Mark the Practitioner PIN Program filer (1040 Only) checkbox.
  3. Go to the PIN screen in the Electronic Filing folder. 
  4. Enter the ERO PIN at the top of the screen.
  5. In the Form 4868/2350 Extension PIN Information section, enter the Signature date and PIN authorization indicator
  6. To enter the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN: 
    • If paying via EFW, complete the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN - Extension electronic funds withdrawal field(s).
    • Otherwise, complete the Taxpayer/Spouse PIN field toward the top of the screen.

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