Print extension filing instructions (1040)

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To print the extension filing instructions, complete the steps below.

  1. Choose Setup > 1040 Individual > Federal tab, and click the Tax Return button.
  2. In the Find what field, enter "Extension filing instructions".

    Note: To review other collations, use this field on the Client or Preparer tab.

  3. Select Extension Filing Instructions in the list.
  4. Mark As required in the Print conditions box.
  5. If filing electronically, mark Print on paper/PDF and/or Include in Email/Web attachment.

    Note: By default, As required and Print on paper are selected for the Government collation.

  6. Click OK twice to close the 1040 Product Information dialog.
  7. Choose File > Print Extensions.
  8. Click the Options button and select the Extension Print Options tab.
  9. Unless you are completing Form 2350 or a second extension, mark the First extension.
  10. Clear the Suppress client documents checkbox, if it is marked.
  11. Click OK, and then click Print.

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