Inserting images into client documents

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To insert a BMP, JPG, or PNG file (such as your firm logo) into a client document, follow these steps.

  1. Open the document's Document Editing window.
  2. Place the cursor where you want to insert a graphic.
  3. Choose Insert > Image to open the Insert Image dialog.
  4. Navigate to the drive and path in which the file is located.

    Note: If you are on Virtual Office CS or SaaS, see Accessing local and network drives for more information.

  5. Highlight the desired file in the list and click Select.


    • The maximum allowed image size is six inches wide by eight inches high.
    • Starting in UltraTax CS 2019, there is an Enable DPI scaling for images in Client Documents option in Help > Repair > Misc tab. This will automatically scale images in client documents so that you can insert images with higher resolution.

Tip: To print your firm logo instead of the standard heading, select Properties from the Document menu and click the Blank lines for letterhead option in the Document Properties dialog. Then, insert your logo as described above.

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Client documents overview

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Support: We don't have any other image requirements aside from the size. If the sizing is correct but the image doesn't look great, try starting off at 600 DPI and adjusting from there. See WI 1713485 for more info.