Sending client data to CS Support via CS Connect

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

This task should only be completed at the request of an UltraTax CS Support representative.

While troubleshooting issues, a Support representative may request that you send them client data via CS Connect. Follow these steps to send the data.

  1. Choose Help > Repair.
  2. In the Clients tab, highlight the client whose data you want to send.
  3. Click the Send Via CS Connect button.
  4. You will be prompted to enter a comment. Enter the name of the Support representative with whom you have discussed the issue, include a brief synopsis of the issue, and click OK.
  5. A message opens to inform you that the data will be transmitted during your next Connect session. Click OK.

    Note: If you are sending more than one client to Support (i.e. for consolidated or data sharing issues), repeat steps 2-5 for each applicable client. In step 4, ensure any necessary information (i.e. parent, subsidiary) is indicated in the comment for each client."

  6. Click Done.
  7. Start a Connect session with the Support: Transmit client to CS Support switch set to Yes.

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