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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

Exclude states & cities for the selected entities

Converting and transitioning from other applications Details

Includes backing up your data for conversion, restoring your converted data, conversion kits, transition services for new users

Installing and maintaining your application Details

Includes system requirements, installation instructions for all environments, installing licenses, downloading and applying updates via CS Connect

Setting up and exploring your application Details

Includes configuring multiple monitors; adding data locations; enabling advanced security; setting global options and user preferences; defining print collations; adding preparers and staff; navigating the Home Page; using the toolbar, menu commands, and keyboard shortcuts; setting up asset associations, treatments, and custom depreciation methods

Managing workflow, reports, and client communications Details

Includes using the client status system, entering email addresses, editing client documents, using Data Mining, client listing reports, depreciation reports, backing up and restoring client data

Preparing and reviewing returns and extensions Details

Includes proforma'ing or transferring client data from prior year, preparing Client Organizers, data entry, calculations, integration with the CS Professional Suite and other applications, data sharing Schedule K-1 information, kiddie tax, source data entry, bar code scanning, importing shareholder / partner information, amending, filing status optimization, reviewing diagnostic messages, Input Screen overrule, web research, tax subject index, entering assets in the asset module

Electronic filing Details

Includes applying for ERO approval and e-file credentials; entering EFINs; setting DCN ranges; configuring e-filing; preparing e-file returns, consolidated returns, and extensions; attaching files to e-files; creating, signing, transmitting, and recalling e-files; bank products; state e-filing; error codes and reject codes/business rules; electronic filing status (green e button on toolbar); acknowledgments; email notifications; e-filing dates; suppressing state e-files

Printing, delivering, and storing returns Details

Includes printing and emailing returns, extensions and organizers; web delivery options; sending to PDF; uploading to client portals; storing returns and extensions in FileCabinet CS

Troubleshooting Details

Includes receiving errors when opening or using your application, Home Page display errors, application crashing and freezing, releasing user and client locks, repairing corrupt data

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