1040 State: E-filing state amended returns

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Several states allow the amended version of the Individual return to be e-filed. Review the State electronic filing guide for which states allow efiling of amended returns.

To e-file an amended state return, follow the steps below:

  1. Make a copy of the client.
  2. Go to the Amend screen, in the Separate filings folder.
  3. Mark the Transfer original information checkbox. 
  4. Select the applicable state(s) in the Transfer state(s) dialog.
  5. Enter amended information for Federal and State returns. 
  6. Go to the ELF screen, in the federal Electronic Filing folder.
  7. Mark the Suppress the creation of: Federal electronic file when only filing a state return/extension electronically checkbox.
  8. For any states that do not allow e-filing of amended returns, mark the Suppress State electronic file when filing federal return electronically checkbox on the ELF screen, located in the applicable state's Electronic Filing folder. 
  9. Check and create the electronic file.
  10. Transmit the e-file.

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