1040-US: Report Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan information

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Per Form 1040 instructions, a statement needs to be included with the return that includes the following information regarding PPP loans. 

Enter PPP loan information statements in the General Footnote (Screen 1040) and include "RP2021-48" at the top.

Note: The General Footnote prints with the tax return and is also included in the transmission of the electronic file.

Any statement should include the following information for each PPP Loan: 
  1. Your name, address, and ITIN or SSN; 
  2. A statement that you are applying or applied section 3.01(1), (2), or (3) of Rev. Proc. 2021-48, and for what taxable year (2020 or 2021) as applicable; 
  3. The amount of tax-exempt income from forgiveness of the PPP Loan that you are treating as received or accrued and for what taxable year (2020 or 2021); and 
  4. Whether forgiveness of the PPP Loan has been granted as of the date you file your return. 

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