Status tab

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Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

Use this tab to enter the user-defined status events for use in tracking your clients' status during processing. You can define up to 50 events, which are available to all clients. Use the Client Status dialog (you can press F5 to open this dialog) to schedule and log these events for your clients.

To open this tab, choose Setup > Office Configuration, and click the Status tab.

Fields & buttons

This list contains the user-defined status events that have been added to UltraTax CS for the office selected in the Office drop-down list at the top of the Office Configuration dialog. 

Click this button to move the highlighted list item up one row.

Click this button to move the highlighted list item down one row.

Enter the description of the client status event in this field.

Mark this checkbox to designate the selected status event as the appointment event. Designating a user-defined event as the appointment event enables the bi-directional transfer of appointment information from the Client Status dialog to UltraTax/1040 Screen Contact (and Screen Letter for Organizer clients), and vice-versa.


  • Only one status event can be designated as the appointment event.
  • If you have appointments in the prior-year application, you should set this designation before you proforma into the current-year version of UltraTax CS.

Choose the number of minutes from the drop-down list to indicate the default appointment duration. UltraTax CS uses the duration to log the appointment as a scheduled event when the appointment date and time is entered on Screen Contact.

Mark this checkbox if you want UltraTax CS to freeze the Watch tab (in the federal Diagnostics window) for a client when the corresponding status event is logged for that client.

Watch fields are used to easily monitor important values on a client's tax forms. Each watched field and the data it contains is displayed on the Watch tab of the federal Diagnostics window. To open the window, press CTRL+D or click the Diagnostics button on the toolbar.

Freezing the Watch tab will cause it to display the current watch field values in blue text instead of the default black text. If any watched values are changed while the Watch tab is frozen, the changed values will display in red on the Watch tab. This action is client-specific, so you can freeze the Watch tab for one client without it affecting the watched values in other clients' returns.


  • If you mark this checkbox for an event and log that event for multiple clients simultaneously, the Watch tab will be frozen for each of those clients.
  • If the Watch tab is already frozen and you re-freeze it by logging a status event, the watch field values will be updated with the current data, but the tab will remain frozen so that further changes to watched fields will appear in red text.

Mark this checkbox to transfer clients' invoice information to Practice CS when the event highlighted in the list is logged using the Client Status dialog.

Note: This checkbox is available only if you are licensed for Practice CS and have it installed. If Practice CS is installed and this option is unavailable to you, choose Setup > User Preferences > File Locations and specify the location of Practice CS.

Mark this checkbox to designate the selected status event as a To Do item. To determine if the absence of the event makes it a To Do item, or if the log of the event makes it a To Do item, make a selection from the drop-down list. The event will show on the To Do tab of the diagnostics window as a reminder.

Click this button to open the Discourage Access dialog, which you can use to configure status warnings for certain events.

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