1041 e-file error: R0000-900-01

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Database Validation Error: /Return/ReturnHeader/ReturnTypeCd: The return type indicated in the return header must match the return type established with the IRS for the EIN. (value xxxx, rule R0000-900-01)

Note: The value represents the entity type indicated in the electronic file.


This error is due to the type of the return not matching the EIN included in the electronic file.


Review the EIN on the 1041 screen. If the EIN is incorrect, correct it and recreate the e-file and transmit the return.

If the EIN is correct, contact the IRS e-help Desk at 866-255-0654 to correct the issue. If the problem can't be resolved with the IRS, you will have to paper file the return.

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Resolve e-file errors

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