Transferring client information

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Accounting CS enables you to copy setup information — chart of accounts, account groupings, tax codes, trial balance views, bank accounts, vendor records, locations, departments, payroll items, accruable benefits, employee records, and employee templates — from one client record to another, using the Transfer Client Information command. This will save you time during client setup, and it will help you avoid potential data-entry errors. Note that the application will not transfer any balance or earnings information from one client to another.

To enable this feature, mark the Transfer Client Information checkbox in the General tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Security Groups screen.

  1. Choose File > Transfer Client Information.
  2. In the Source client field, select the name of the client whose data you want to copy.
  3. In the Destination client field, select the name of the client to whom you want to transfer the information.
  4. In the Information to Transfer grid, mark the checkbox for each type of data that you want to transfer. Note that you must select at least one type of data to transfer.
  5. If the Details column for a data type includes a drop-down list, select All to transfer all of the data of that type or Selected to select the specific data of that type to transfer. For the latter, click the Ellipsis ellipsis button button to open the <data type> Selection dialog, where you can select the specific data to transfer.

    Note: The option Selected Types is also available for Vendors, Payroll Items, Employees, and Employee Templates which enables you to select individual items for each category.

  6. Click the Transfer button to initiate the transfer process. When information has been transferred, the application displays a diagnostic report.

For more details and limitations on the transfer of client information, see Transfer Client Information dialog.

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