Paying liabilities that are subject to funding

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For live payroll processing only

This procedure applies only to liabilities that have been, or will be, funded.

Use the Manage Impound Payments screen to create payments for all or selected clients or vendors with unpaid liabilities that are subject to funding. (Note that non-funded payroll liabilities, those that are set up to be paid directly from the client's checkbook, are paid from the Print Checks > Payroll Liabilities tab.)

After liabilities subject to funding have been created (via payroll check printing, by manual entry in the Manage Payroll Liabilities dialog, through payroll tax form adjustments, or through the generation of liabilities for handwritten checks) and when you are ready to pay them, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Manage Impound Payments.
  2. Expand the list of liabilities for each client and vendor by clicking the plus sign next to the client and vendor records. The unpaid liabilities for each vendor are displayed.

    Note: You can view the details for each liability, including the source of that liability by clicking the Details Details button button for that liability in the expanded grid. The Details dialog contains the same columns as the main screen, but also includes a Source column that may contain a reference number, check number, and employee name.

  3. If necessary, choose Edit > Options to open the Manage Impound Payments Options dialog, where you can do the following.
    • Limit payments to funded liabilities only
    • Choose to preview the Manage Impound Payments report after liabilities are paid
    • Choose to display a prompt to override the transaction date
    • Choose the check stub outputs for liabilities in the grid
    • Set a due date lead time for specific payment methods and agent types
  4. Either mark the checkboxes for individual liabilities or mark the checkbox next to the client or vendor record to pay all liabilities for that client or vendor. 

    Note: Right-click on a group header row in the grid for the options to select or deselect all liabilities in the grid or to select or deselect that group of liabilities. For example, if you have grouped liabilities by Vendor ID, right-clicking a Vendor ID header and choosing the Select Group command marks the checkboxes for all liabilities under that Vendor ID. Note that the Select All and Select Group commands will not select payments with negative amounts.

  5. If you want to use the next liability due date as the payment date, mark the Use next due date as payment date checkbox. If multiple liabilities are selected for a vendor and they have different due dates, the application will use the earliest due date that is on or after the current system date. If this checkbox is not marked, or if there is no due date that is after the system date, then the is application will use the system date by default.
  6. If necessary, you can override the payment method for a liability on the fly here in the grid. This will not affect the payment method selected on the vendor record.
  7. When you have selected the liabilities that you want to pay, you can click the Print Report button to preview or print the Manage Impound Payments report, which lists all of the payments that are selected for creation. The report groups and subtotals the payments by payment method.

    Note: Before displaying the report, the application attempts to validate the payment information, displays a list of any payments that have invalid or missing information, and deselects them in the Manage Impound Payments screen.

  8. When ready, click the Pay Selected button to pay the selected liabilities.
  9. In the Print dialog, select your print options, and then click OK to print the payments.
  10. The Check Printing Confirmation dialog displays to verify that all payments printed successfully. If they did, click Yes. If they did not, click No.

    Note: If you click No, the liabilities remain in the Liabilities tab until they are successfully paid.

  11. If it is necessary for a tax payment form to accompany the tax payment, the Print Payment Forms dialog opens automatically. Verify that the correct payment forms are selected to print and then click the Print Selected button to open the Print dialog and print the forms.


    • If you unmark the checkboxes for any forms in the Print Payment Forms dialog, you will need to print them later manually via the Process Payroll Tax Forms screen.
    • When there is no payment due for an agent with a payment method of Check and the agent requires a zero amount payment coupon, the form will display in the Print Payment Forms dialog to be printed. If no zero amount payment form is required, it will not display.
    • When there is no payment due for an agent with a payment method of Direct Deposit and the agent accepts zero amount EFT files, the application will create the zero amount ACH file. If the agency does not accept zero amount EFT files, the zero amount payment form will display in the Print Payment Forms dialog so it can be mailed to the agent.
    • Paid funded liabilities will display as Memo transactions in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen for the associated client.

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