Spelling Options dialog

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Use the Spelling Options dialog to include or exclude specific criteria when you check the spelling on a report in the Report Designer, a layout in the Layout Designer, in the explanation for changing a client's status to inactive, or in a message or description for a customer invoice.

In the Spell Check dialog, click the Options button.

Mark the checkboxes for the options to activate when checking spelling. (The table below lists the options that are available, and those that are marked in the application by default.)

Marked by default Option
No Ignore capitalized words (e.g., France)
No Ignore all-caps words (e.g.,GAAP)
No Ignore words with numbers (e.g., ISO9002)
No Ignore words with mixed case (e.g., MacDonald)
No Ignore domain names (e.g., yahoo.com)
Yes Report doubled words (e.g., the the
Yes Case sensitive
No Phonetic suggestions
Yes Typographical suggestions
Yes Suggest split words

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