Current period vs. latest period

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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For Payroll CS or the Vendor Checkwriting feature

Data for one year prior to the latest year is saved and accessible by changing to a previous period. If you need to examine or modify client data within a different month, Payroll CS enables you to move to that month by choosing Select Period to Process from the File menu.

The current period is the payroll month that is presently selected for processing. (A change in period is automatically reflected in the Current period ending date field on the Payroll tab of the File > Client Properties dialog, and it is shown in a status pane at the bottom right corner of the CSA main window.)

The latest period is the most recent payroll period in which printed or handwritten checks exist for the client, or it can be the latest payroll period accessed for the client.

  • The relevant date is always displayed in the Latest period ending date field on the Payroll tab of the File > Client Properties dialog. The application uses this field to keep track of the point through which benefits and vendor totals are calculated.
  • The current payroll period ending date shown in the far right pane of the CSA status bar is marked by an asterisk (*) if it is not the latest period.
  • The application does not allow you to record unprinted payroll checks in any period other than the latest payroll period.

Related topic

Reverting to a prior payroll period

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