Roll Forward [File menu]

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

The Roll Forward features in Engagement CS enable you to copy an engagement to use as a starting point for the following year.

  • A new engagement is made for the new period using the structure of the original engagement (no changes are made to the original engagement).
  • The engagement date is changed in Engagement Properties.
  • Engagement and workpaper signoffs, history, and notes are not carried into the new engagement.
  • Links in Excel and Word workpapers are updated to reflect the balances based on the current engagement period end date. For example, if there is an Excel workpaper that displays 2002 and 2001 data, after rolling forward the engagement to 2003, the statement will now display 2003 and 2002 data.

Note: If you are licensed for and working in PPC's SMART Practice Aids engagements, Engagement CS prompts you to roll forward SMART engagements after completing the roll forward process in Engagement CS.

Related topics

Roll Forward Options

Roll Forward - Engagement Properties

Roll Forward - Workpaper Settings

Roll Forward - Select Template Engagement

Roll Forward - Replace Workpaper

Select Replacement Workpaper

Roll Forward - Rename Workpaper

Roll Forward - Finish

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