Using the Detail tab in the Manage Payments screen

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Use the Detail tab of the Manage Payments screen to apply a single payment to one or more payables. Most of the fields in this tab are read-only for payments that are selected to apply.

  1. Choose Actions > Manage Payments and click the Detail tab.
  2. Using any of the following methods, select the payment to apply.
    • Use the Navigation buttons buttons to find the payment transaction.
    • Select a vendor from the Vendor field to jump to that vendor's transactions, and then use the navigation buttons to find the desired payment.
    • Click the Rapid tab, locate and highlight the desired payment, and then click the Detail tab.
  3. In the Apply field, select the application group number. Accounting CS groups all items with the same group number together and applies them appropriately.
  4. In the Payment Application Distributions section, mark the checkbox for each payable to include in the payment application.
  5. When you mark the checkbox for a payable, Accounting CS automatically enters the open balance amount in the Current Payment column. To apply a different amount, enter that amount in the Current Payment column. If the payable is distributed to multiple accounts (click the plus + sign to the left of a payable to see the distributions), Accounting CS adjusts the amount for each distribution based on the amount in the Current Payment column.
  6. Click the Apply Payments button to have Accounting CS apply the payment to the selected payables.

    Note: When you click the Enter button, Accounting CS saves the selections. It does not apply the payment to the payables until you click the Apply Payments button.

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