Using the Rapid tab in the Manage Customer Payments screen

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Use the Rapid tab of the Manage Customer Payments screen to enter customer payment transactions in a grid format. As you enter data in this tabbed page, the application updates the corresponding fields in the Detail tab.

  1. Choose Actions > Manage Customer Payments and click the Rapid tab.
  2. In the first blank line in the grid, select the payment type in the Type column.
  3. Select the ID for the customer who made the payment.
  4. Verify the journal, posting period, and GL account information.
  5. Enter a payment date or use one of the date entry shortcuts.
  6. Enter a reference for the payment transaction, if applicable.
  7. Enter the payment amount.
  8. You can record another payment by pressing TAB (or ENTER, if you marked the Use Enter key to move between fields checkbox in the Setup > User Preferences > System tab) at the end of the grid row or by selecting a payment type in the next row in the grid.
  9. To add more details to the transaction or to apply this payment to one or more open transactions, click the Detail tab.

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