Deleting a client record

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Accounting CS enables you, under specific conditions, to select a client for complete and permanent deletion. When you delete a client record, the application deletes all related client data from the database, resulting in a smaller sized database. Once the client record is deleted, the client ID, EIN, and name of that client are available for use for another client.

If a client record is deleted in error, the only recovery option is to restore the entire firm database, which could result in data loss and down time.

You may want to delete a client record under any of the following circumstances:

  • The client record was added in error.
  • A CSA client conversion was done with incorrect options selected or with an unexpected result.
  • The client record was added with critical errors making data correction impractical.

Note: To avoid accidental data loss, the client deletion option is available only to staff who have explicit privileges to do so. If the Delete button in the Setup > Clients screen is not enabled, you do not have the privileges to do so.

You cannot delete a client record under any of the following circumstances:

  • The client is the Firm client.
  • The client has any open, funded impound transactions.

    Note: Prior to v.2021.2.0, you were not able to delete clients that had impound transactions. With v.2021.2.0 (and later), you can delete clients with impound transactions as long as there are no open funded transactions. You'll need to print, finalize, or delete any open funded transactions before you can delete the client.

  • The client is the "bill to" client for another client.

    Note: You can delete a "bill to" client if you first unmark the Bill to other client checkbox from the other client (on the Billing tab of the Setup > Clients screen). If the "bill to" client has any pending (unprinted) fees for another client, the fees will be moved to the original client during the deletion process.


To delete a client record, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients.
  2. In the Clients screen, select the client you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button.
  4. In the Delete Client Confirmation dialog that displays, enter the client ID of the client you want to delete and then click the Delete button. The Client Delete in Process dialog displays until the delete process is complete.

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