Clients screen

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Use the Clients screen to enter or update setup information for your clients.

Choose Setup > Clients.

See also: Using templates for client and employee setup

A Client List report is available to print from the File > Print Reports screen that provides general information about each client set up in the Setup > Clients screen for the firm. The information includes client ID, client name, EIN/SSN, Business Address, and Business Phone.

Tabbed pages in this screen

Main tab

Account Mask tab

Accounting Information tab

Accounts Payable tab

Accounts Receivable tab

Payroll Information tab

Payroll Taxes tab

Billing tab

Impound tab (for live payroll processing only)

Workers' Compensation tab

Affordable Care Act tab

COVID-19 Acts tab

Integration tab

Staff Access tab (available when Firm security is enabled)

Events tab (available when Event tracking is enabled)

Custom Fields tab

Fields & buttons

Edit multiple clients (link at the bottom of the screen). Click this link to open the Edit Multiple Clients wizard, where you can edit specific fields for multiple clients simultaneously.

Include inactive (checkbox) (at the upper-right corner of the screen). By default, the application does not include inactive clients in the Setup > Clients screen or in the Client selection drop-down list in the upper-right corner of many data-entry screens. To modify information for any inactive clients or to edit payroll tax forms, mark this checkbox and then select the inactive client in the Setup > Clients screen. This becomes the current client for the various client-specific data-entry screens, and you can modify the information as necessary for that client.

An inactive client is one for which a date (earlier than the current date) has been entered in the Inactive date field on the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen.

Add button. Click this button to add setup information for a new client.

Edit button. Click this button to edit setup information for the currently selected client.

Delete button. Click this button to delete the currently selected client. For more information, see Deleting a client record.

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