Firm > Payroll Automation tab

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For live payroll processing only

The Payroll Automation tab enables you to automate a number of payroll tasks, such as complete payroll output (checks, reports, and invoices for multiple clients), automatic printing of payment forms along with liabilities, and automatic processing and transmittal of Workers' Compensation consent and payment files.

Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm and then click the Payroll Automation tab.

Fields & buttons

  • Automatically print corresponding payment form. If you want to print corresponding payment forms automatically when you pay liabilities via the File > Print Checks > Liabilities tab, mark this checkbox. All corresponding payment forms will automatically be printed when liabilities are paid.

As an alternative to manually retrieving consent files and then processing and transmitting payroll files to InsurePay, you can choose to automate these tasks by marking the appropriate checkboxes.

  • Automatically retrieve consent files. When this checkbox is marked, the application automatically searches for and retrieves consent files from InsurePay whenever the Process InsurePay Files screen is opened.
  • Automatically process and transmit files. When this checkbox is marked, the application automatically processes InsurePay files once a day at a specified time.
    • Process and transmission time. If you are choosing to automatically process and transmit InsurePay files, you must select a time of day in the Process and transmission time field. The default selection is 5:00 PM, but you can modify this time by making another selection from the drop-down list. At the selected time every day, the application automatically processes all firm-wide InsurePay files and transmits them to InsurePay.

As an alternative to manually retrieving consent files and then processing and transmitting payroll files to The Hartford, you can choose to automate these tasks by marking the appropriate checkboxes.

  • Automatically retrieve consent files. When this checkbox is marked, the application automatically searches for and retrieves XactPAY consent files when the Process XactPAY files screen is opened.
  • Automatically process and transmit files. When this checkbox is marked, the application automatically processes and transmits all firm-wide XactPay files to The Hartford at the time specified in the Process and transmission time field. This checkbox is marked by default. If you want to process and transmit the files manually from the Process XactPAY Files screen, unmark this checkbox.
    • Process and transmission time. If you are choosing to automatically process and transmit XactPay files, you must select a time of day in the Process and transmission time field. The default selection is 5:00 PM, but you can modify this time by making another selection from the drop-down list. At the selected time every day, the application automatically processes all firm-wide XactPAY files and transmits them to The Hartford.

    Note: It is necessary to specify a single, daily transmission time because multiple daily transmissions of employee information for the same pay periods are recorded as duplicates by The Hartford.

  • Report profile. Select the report profile to use when printing reports via the Complete Payroll Output feature. The drop-down list contains all report profiles that you have set up in the Setup > Firm Information > Firm Report Profiles screen.
  • How to handle non-funded agent liability payments. By default, the application makes non-funded agent liability payments as part of the Complete Payroll Output process. However, you have the option to change how the application handles these liabilities.
    • Make payments with each payroll (Default) Choose this option to have the application make payments for all non-funded agent liabilities during Complete Payroll Output processing.
    • Make no payments. Choose this option to have the application create open liabilities for all non-funded agents during Complete Payroll Output processing.
    • Make payments only if the liability due date falls before the next scheduled check date. Choose this option to have the application make non-funded liability payments only for liabilities that must be made at that time. The application determines, based on the client's payroll schedules, if there will be another payroll run prior to the liability due dates. If not, the application pays those liabilities. Note that you can't choose this option for clients that have no payroll schedule set up.

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