Can I e-file a prior period 941?

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Per IRS regulations, you can e-file Form 941 for the current and 2 prior years.


  • You can print up to seven years of W-2 and 1099 forms.
  • You can print the current year and the three prior years of Form 941.

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The current quarter is defined as when the 941 form is due.  

Example, let's say today is 10/29/2017. This would mean the third quarter 941 would not due until 10/31/2017.

Based on the table below, the current quarter would be considered the 2nd quarter 2017 and the oldest quarter you could electronically file would be the third quarter 2016.

Quarter/Year E-File?
2nd quarter/2017 - current E-File ok
1st quarter/2017 E-File ok
4th quarter/2016 E-File ok
3rd quarter/2016 E-File ok
2nd quarter/2016 Filing period too old

As of the 2015.1.0 version of Accounting CS, the Form 941 electronic file uses the Modernized e-File (MeF) format, therefore electronic filing for Form 941 prior to the first quarter of 2015 is unavailable. If you attempt to process Form 941 for a period prior to 2015, you will receive an e-File Critical diagnostic that says:

Form 941 cannot be filed electronically for the following reason(s):
Filing period too old

Forms that receive this diagnostic will need to be files using an alternate filing method, such as paper.