Updating the Staff In/Out Availability portlet

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Use the Staff In/Out Availability portlet in the View > Staff Dashboard screen or click the Update Availability button to modify the status of staff members on the Staff In/Out Availability portlet of the View > Firm Dashboard.

Updating staff availability status from the Staff Dashboard

  1. From the View menu, choose Staff Dashboard and select the Staff In/Out Availability portlet.
  2. Select the name of the staff member for which you are updating their status from the Staff drop-down list.
  3. In the Availability field, select a new status from the drop-down list.
  4. In the Returning fields, enter or select a date and time for the status change.
  5. In the Comment field, you can enter an optional comment.


  • If the Staff In/Out Availability portlet is not present in the Staff Dashboard, click the Select Portlets link at the top of the Staff Dashboard screen, mark the Staff In/Out Availability checkbox in the Select Portlets dialog, and click OK.
  • You must have the appropriate security privileges to change the availability of other staff members.
  • Changes made for a staff member on the Staff In/Out Availability portlet in the Staff Dashboard flow automatically to the Staff Availability portlet in the Firm Dashboard.

Updating staff availability status from the Firm Dashboard

  1. From the View menu, choose Firm Dashboard and select the Staff In/Out Availability portlet.
  2. If you are updating the status of another staff member, select their name in the Staff Availability grid.
  3. Click the Update Availability button.
  4. In the Availability field of the Update Availability dialog, select a new status from the drop-down list.
  5. In the Returning fields, enter or select a date and time for the status change.
  6. In the Comment field, you can enter an optional comment.

    Note: To view the full text of comments that are longer than the Comment field in the Availability grid of the Staff Availability portlet, hover your cursor over the Comment cell. A larger text box will open to display the entire comment.

  7. Click OK to close the Update Availability dialog and save your changes.


  • If the Staff Availability portlet is not present in the Firm Dashboard, click the Select Portlets link at the top of the Firm Dashboard screen, mark the Staff Availability checkbox in the Select Portlets dialog, and click OK.
  • You must have the appropriate security privileges to change the availability of other staff members.
  • Changes made for a staff member on the Staff Availability portlet in the Firm Dashboard flow into the Staff In/Out Availability portlet in the Staff Dashboard.

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