Adding signoff types, and adding or removing signoffs for workpapers

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For licensed users of Accounting CS Workpapers

Adding signoffs to single or multiple workpapers in the engagement binder provides information to engagement staff about the status of workpapers in the engagement workflow as a whole. For example, the signoff can indicate whether the workpapers have been reviewed or if they are ready to be prepared and finalized.

Signoff Types screen you can add, edit, or delete signoff types, and you can click the Sort Order button to modify the sort order of signoff types that appear in the signoff drop-down lists within the Workpapers Dashboard.

Adding signoff types

Use the following procedure to add a signoff type.

  1. Choose Setup > Firm Information > Signoff types and click the Add button.
  2. Enter a unique description of up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the signoff type.
  3. Select a role (Preparer or Reviewer) for the signoff type.
  4. Select a hotkey number from 0-9 to use as a shortcut key combination for signing off on one or more workpapers.
  5. Click Enter to save the changes in the Signoff Types screen.


  • Two default signoff types are available in Accounting CS Workpapers (Preparer and Reviewer). You can edit or delete these signoff types, as needed.
  • Workpapers CS displays the signoff type assignments for each workpaper in several portlets in the Workpapers Dashboard.
  • You can add signoffs a workpaper via the right-click context menu in the Engagement Binders Tree or Workpapers List portlet.
  • You cannot edit signoffs for multiple documents at the same time.

Adding signoffs

Use one of the following methods to add your signoff to an engagement.

In the Engagement Binders Tree portlet of the Workpapers Dashboard, right-click a folder, choose Add Signoff and the signoff type to which you are assigned to add a signoff to all workpapers in the selected folder that do not have an existing signoff.

Note: Adding signoffs to a folder that contains a large number of workpapers may take several minutes.

In the Engagement Binders Tree portlet of the Workpapers Dashboard, right-click a workpaper, choose Add Signoff and the signoff type to which you are assigned.

In the Workpapers List portlet of the Workpapers Dashboard, select the workpaper to add your signoff. If a hotkey was assigned to your signoff type on the Signoff Types screen, you can press that key combination (for example CTRL+1) to add your signoff. Alternatively, you can use the right-click command menu to add your signoff as you would in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

Editing signoffs

Use the following procedure to modify the signoff date for an existing signoff that you have created. Note that you can edit only a single signoff at one time.

  1. In the Workpapers List portlet, right-click the signoff in the appropriate column of the grid and choose Edit Signoff to open the Edit Signoff dialog.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow to open the calendar and select a date for the signoff.

You can edit signoffs in the Workpapers List portlet only when they are associated with the login that you are currently using (For example, if you are logged in as ADMIN, only the signoffs associated with the ADMIN staff ID can be edited).This option is unavailable in the right-click menu when you select signoffs that have not been created by the staff ID that you are currently using.

Removing signoffs

Signoffs can be removed in the Workpapers List portlet only when they are associated with the login that you are currently using. (For example, if you are logged in as ADMIN, only the signoffs associated with the ADMIN staff ID can be deleted.)

In the Workpapers List portlet, right-click the signoff in the appropriate column of the grid and choose Delete Signoff. If the signoff is associated with your current login ID, it will be removed.

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