Prenoting child support files

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The process for prenoting child support files is the same as for prenoting other direct deposit files. See Prenoting direct deposit files.

Child support payments, however, have an addenda record and the prenote file is called a zero balance test file, which differs slightly from the regular prenote file in that it uses different transaction codes and allows the receiving entities to see the addenda record data. (See the Domestic ACH File structure and contents and International ACH file structure and contents topics).

Note: For child support payments, if the agent/vendor being used for child support payments is prenoted, just a regular prenote file is created. If the employee's child support deduction is prenoted, the zero balance file is created.

Although the use of prenotes is supported with International ACH Transactions (IAT), the concept of prenotes is not supported in most countries around the world. In most cases, if you are using IAT you will not receive a response to your prenote.

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