User Preferences dialog

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Each staff member can use the User Preferences dialog to customize certain controls or options in the application to perform their work more efficiently.

Choose Setup > User Preferences.

Tabbed pages in this dialog

  • Alternate background color on lists. Mark this checkbox to show all lists and grids with alternating white and gray backgrounds.
  • Use Enter key to move between fields. Mark this checkbox to have the ENTER key always move you to the next field during data entry. (When this option is selected, you can press ALT+N to save changes in a screen.) In addition, when this checkbox is marked and you enter a journal entry or bank account transaction (other than a payroll check) in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen, you can immediately save a transaction by pressing the ENTER key when your cursor is in the Account field and the field is blank.
    • Use Enter key as shortcut to save in transaction entry. This checkbox is available only when the Use Enter key to move between fields checkbox is marked and it is specific to the Actions > Enter Transactions screen. When this checkbox is marked and you are entering a bank account transaction (other than a payroll check) for which the application has automatically populated the Distributions tab (if you’re using a template, for example, or because the vendor is set up with standard distributions), pressing the ENTER key when the cursor is in the Amount field causes the application to save that transaction right away, rather than requiring you to press ENTER numerous times to move through the remaining distribution information before saving the transaction.
  • Implied decimal on amounts. Mark this checkbox to place an implied decimal point on all numeric amount fields including rates, percentages, and amounts.
  • Implied decimal on hours/pieces/units. Mark this checkbox to place an implied decimal point on all numeric fields other than amount fields, such as hours, pieces, and units.
  • Disable alert and update notifications. Mark this checkbox to disable alert and update notifications for individual staff members.

Favorites screen. Select the screen that you prefer to open when you launch the application.

Reset button. Click to clear all message settings in the application where the Don't show this message again checkbox was previously marked.

  • Save report options. Mark this checkbox to enable the Save Report Options button to appear at the bottom of the File > Print Reports screen.
  • Print detailed options. Mark this checkbox to print detailed options in the header of all predefined reports. Detailed options can include the specified region, section, filtering, and sorting options that have been selected.
  • Print client ID. Mark this checkbox to print the client ID in the header section of all predefined reports.
  • Print staff ID. Mark this checkbox to print the staff ID in the footer section of all predefined reports.
  • Print system date and time. Mark this checkbox to print the system date and time in the footer section of all predefined reports.
  • Print page number. Mark this checkbox to print the page number in the right corner of the footer, unless the Center page number checkbox is marked.

Note: Click the Customize button where applicable to specify the appropriate variables for each item in the list.

Use this tab to specify the preferred printer and paper source for each of the following output types:

  • Reports
  • Checks
  • Invoices

Mark the Separator Page checkbox to include a separator page between documents.

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