Setting up a Totals row in a financial statement

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Choose Totals when you want to display the total amount of the selected account group(s), account range, or formula.

Note: Ranges of accounts, columns, rows, and cells in financial statements will now use a colon ( : ) instead of "to" to create the range. For example, the account range Act(100to120) is now displayed as Act(100:120). All existing statements were automatically converted to this format upon opening for the first time after you installed CSA version 2004.3.x. Ranges that are manually entered into formulas or cell contents, after this update, should also use this format.

  1. Press CTRL+W to select Row mode.
  2. In the Row Properties box, choose Totals from the drop-down list in the Type field.
  3. In the Amounts field, specify an account group, a range of accounts, a storage name, a row, or a cell.
    • To choose an account group, either select it from the drop-down list, or type it into the field.
    • To enter a range of accounts, type the account numbers in using the following format: Act(###) or Act(###:###).
    • To choose a storage name, type it manually or press F5 and select it from the Formula dialog.
    • To reference a row or rows that are above the current one, enter Row(#), or Row(#:#) in the Amounts field. You can also press the F5 key and select it from the formula dialog.
    • To reference a cell or cells that are above the current one, Cell(A#), or Cell(A#:A#) in the Amounts field, where A is the column letter and # is the row # of the cells you want to reference.
  4. If you want to have a description appear on the row, enter it in the Description field.
  5. In the Text Column field, choose the column in which you would like the description to appear.
  6. To change the sign or to print a zero balance total, mark the appropriate checkbox(es).
  7. Press CTRL+? to move to the next row, or click on the next row to save the changes you have just made.

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