Postfunding checks for impound

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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  1. Choose Tasks > Payroll Check Entry or Tasks > Vendor Check Entry and process your payroll and/or vendor checks as usual.
  2. Choose File > Print Checks.
  3. In the Print Checks dialog, be sure to select the impound checkbook in the Checkbook column to activate the Fund checkboxes.
  4. Mark the Fund checkbox(es) for your payroll and/or vendor checks.
  5. Click the Print button and print your checks as usual.
  6. Run your payroll reports as usual.
  7. Choose Utilities > Impound Funding.
  8. In the Impound Funding dialog, select the transactions you want to include in the EPS file by marking their checkboxes.

    Note: Payroll transactions are summed together in the Funding grid. Click the Details /_images/acct_pr/csa/details.gif button to view individual transactions. Vendor transactions are listed individually in the Funding grid.

  9. Click the Create EPS File button. When the information dialog displays the Funding file created successfully message, click OK.
  10. Click Done to close the Impound Funding dialog.
  11. Choose Utilities > Direct Deposit.
  12. In the Maintain Electronic Transaction Files dialog , create your ACH files as usual.
  13. Transmit the ACH file as usual.

See also: Impound overview and procedures

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