Reversing a payroll check

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Reverse command finds a check in the current period or in another period and adds a reverse type check to the current period. This allows you to correct a mistake from a prior period without having to revert to that earlier period.

  1. When the Payroll Check Entry window is active, choose Reverse from the Edit menu or from the right-click context menu to open the Reverse dialog.
  2. Enter the check number in the Enter the check number of the check to be reversed field.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. When the Reverse this check? confirmation dialog displays, verify the accuracy of the information.
  5. To specify a different check date than the original date on the reversed check, enter the new date in the Check Date field.
  6. Click OK to complete the reversal process.

See also: Payroll Check Entry > Reverse dialog

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