Payroll Check Entry . . . Reverse

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The Reverse command finds a check in the current period or in another period and adds a reverse type check to the current period. This allows you to correct a mistake from a prior period without having to move back to that earlier period to make the correction. (For example, if you reverse a check with 10 hours and a net pay of $1000.00, the generated reverse check will show -10 hours and a net pay of -$1000.00.)

When the Payroll Check Entry dialog is active, open the Reverse dialog by choosing Reverse from the Edit menu or from the right-click context menu.

The Reverse this check? dialog displays after you specify a check number on the Reverse dialog. You can use the Check date field on this dialog to specify a different check date on the reversed check from the original date.

See also: Reversing a payroll check

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