Creating on-demand payroll checks

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Use the On Demand Payroll feature to create an unscheduled batch of payroll checks. You can choose to create the checks based on a gross pay amount or a targeted net pay amount and also specify whether or not to calculate deduction items, employer contributions, or benefit accruals, making it useful for creating bonus or non-periodic commission checks.

To create on-demand payroll checks, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Time.
  2. In the Enter Time screen, select <On Demand> in the Payroll schedule drop-down list.
  3. In the On Demand Settings section of the Create On Demand Payroll dialog, select the mode to use for check creation (Standard or Net to gross), select the pay item in which the net or gross pay amount should be entered to calculate the total pay amount for these payroll checks, and select the frequency to be used for these checks.

    Note: For bonus or nonperiodic commission checks, you may want to choose the Nonperiodic frequency, which is available from the list if the wage type for the selected pay item is Supplemental.

  4. In the Dates section, modify the pay date, if necessary, and enter the period begin date (not required) and the period end date (required). 
  5. In the Employee Selection grid, all of the client's active employees are displayed and selected by default. Filter out any employees as necessary and then unmark the checkboxes for any employees for whom you do not want to create on-demand payroll checks.
  6. In the Gross Pay or Target Net Pay column (depending on which mode you have selected), enter the desired amount for each applicable employee.
  7. Use the fields in the Calculations to Disable section to specify which, if any, deductions, employer contributions, or benefit accruals should be calculated for these checks.

    Note: On-demand payroll checks will calculate all of the employee's deductions and employer contributions, even if special timing is assigned to them. If you don't want certain deductions and employer contributions to calculate for the payroll check, disable those calculations here.

  8. Use the Tax Withholding Calculation Method section to specify how federal and state income tax should be calculated for the payroll checks. Note that the fields are available to modify only if the wage type of the selected payroll item is Supplemental.
  9. Use the Direct Deposit section to enable or disable direct deposit distributions as necessary.
  10. When all your selections are made, click the Create button to calculate the check amounts, close the Create On Demand Payroll dialog, and display the payroll checks in the Enter Time screen.

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