Create On Demand Payroll dialog

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Use the Create On Demand Payroll dialog to create an unscheduled batch of payroll checks. You can choose to create the checks based on a gross pay amount or a targeted net pay amount and also specify whether or not to calculate deduction items, employer contributions, or benefit accruals, making it useful for creating bonus or non-periodic commission checks.

Choose Actions > Enter Time, select the appropriate client in the Clients field, and select <On Demand> from the Payroll schedule drop-down list.

See also: Creating on-demand payroll checks

Fields & buttons

Mode. Choose either Standard or Net to gross mode.

  • Standard. Choose this option if you want to enter gross pay amounts for payroll checks and have the application calculate the net pay amounts. When this option is chosen, the heading of the amount column in the Employee Selection grid is Gross Pay.
  • Net to gross. Choose this option if you want to enter target net pay amounts for payroll checks and have the application calculate the appropriate gross pay amounts. When this option is chosen, the heading of the amount column in the Employee Selection grid is Target Net Pay.

Pay item. Select the pay item in which the net or gross pay amount should be entered to calculate the total pay amount for these on-demand payroll checks. When this screen is in Standard mode, you can select multiple payroll items for the check.

Frequency. Select the desired frequency for these on-demand payroll checks. Note that if the wage type of the selected pay item is Supplemental, Nonperiodic is the only option available. If the wage type of the pay item is Regular, Nonperiodic is not available for selection.

Enter or select the appropriate dates in the following fields.

  • Pay date. This is a required field. The pay date defaults to the current system date, but you can modify it if necessary.
  • Period begin. It is optional to enter the period begin date.
  • Period end. This is a required field. Enter the period end date to be used for the on-demand payroll checks.

By default, all employees of the currently selected client display in the Employee selection grid. You can use the filtering options to limit the employees that display in the grid. Employees marked as inactive in the Setup > Employees screen for the period begin and end dates you have entered will not display in the grid.

All employees are selected by default. To deselect employees, unmark the checkbox next to their Employee ID.

If the dialog is currently in Standard mode, enter the gross pay amount in the Gross Pay column for each applicable employee. If the dialog is currently in Net to gross mode, enter the target net pay amount in the Target Net Pay column for each applicable employee.

By default the on-demand payroll checks will calculate all deductions and employer contributions for the employee, even if those deductions and employer contributions have been assigned special timing. Use the following fields to choose which calculations to exclude.

  • Deductions. Select one of the following from the drop-down list.
    • None (default). All deduction items calculate as usual.
    • All.  All deductions are excluded from calculation.
    • Selected.  Selecting Selected enables the Ellipsis button, which opens the Payroll Item Exclusions dialog, where you can select specific deduction items to exclude from calculation.
  • Employer contributions. Select one of the following from the drop-down list.
    • None (default). All employer contributions calculate as usual.
    • All. All employer contributions are excluded from calculation.
    • Selected. Selecting Selected enables the Ellipsis button, which opens the Payroll Item Exclusions dialog, where you can select specific employer contributions to exclude from calculation.
  • Benefit accruals. By default, this checkbox is unmarked. Mark this checkbox to disable all hourly and per check benefit accruals for the on demand payroll checks.

If the wage type of the selected pay item is Regular, the fields in this section default to Annualized and cannot be modified. If the wage type is Supplemental, the fields are enabled and you can select the method in which federal and state income tax should be calculated for the payroll checks. 

  • Annualized.
  • Supplemental - Aggregate.
  • Supplemental - Flat.

For more information about these tax withholding calculation methods, please refer to the Supplemental Wages section of IRS Publication 15.

The fields in this section determine how direct deposit is handled for the payroll checks.

  • Enable. When this option is selected, direct deposit distributions are calculated normally for employees with an active direct deposit allocation.
  • Disable. When this option is selected, direct deposit distributions are disabled and the entire net pay amount is applied to the Net Check distribution.

When the Create button is clicked, the application calculates the check amounts, the Create On Demand Payroll dialog closes, and the checks display in the Enter Time screen, where you can choose to enter or cancel the batch.

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