Event tracking

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The event tracking feature in Workpapers CS enables you to monitor selected events that affect your firm database. The details recorded with each event include information such as the date and time the event took place, the name and ID of the staff person who executed the action, the name and ID of the client for which the action was recorded, the action that was taken, and the item that was affected by the action. In some instances, specific details of the changes that have taken place (for example, old values versus new values) are listed.

Enabling event tracking

Event tracking is enabled by default. To verify that event tracking is enabled, choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm, click the Preferences tab, and verify that the Disable event tracking checkbox is not marked.


  • For performance reasons, the application does not display any events in the grid until you select a filter.
  • If you disable event tracking, the application does not add any new events to the list, but it does retain the history of events that have already been logged.

Viewing monitored events

The monitored events are listed in the Events tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Firm screen.

You can reduce the number of events listed in the grid by selecting a filter from the drop-down list above the Event tracking grid. You can filter by action, client, event date, item, or staff.

When event tracking is enabled, the application records an event when any of the following actions are taken.

  • Workpaper binders - adding, editing, deleting, rolling forward, and finalizing/unfinalizing engagement binders.
  • Workpapers - adding, editing workpaper properties, deleting, adding/deleting signoffs, replacing, protecting/unprotecting, returning to binder, discarding checkout, disconnecting, and organizing (via source document processing) workpapers in the engagement binder.
  • Clients - editing, and deleting client records in the Setup > Clients screen.
  • GL accounts - adding, editing, and deleting accounts in the Setup > Chart of Accounts screen.

Viewing events for specific clients

There is an Events tab on the Clients screen to enable you to view all tracked events for a specific client and to preview or print a report displaying the tracked events.

Viewing events for specific journal entry transactions

There is an Events tab for Journal Entries in the Actions > Enter Transaction screen that lists the date/time, event, Staff id and Name of the staff who applied the action for each transaction.

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