Organizing FileCabinet CS documents by category

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To send documents to FileCabinet CS and categorize them first by service and then by date, mark the Organize by Category checkbox in the FileCabinet CS options section of the Preferences tab of the Firm screen.

Note: The document tree structure for files that have already been sent to FileCabinet CS does not change when you choose to organize any new documents by category. If you choose to use this feature, we recommend that you implement this change at the beginning of a processing period to maintain a standard reporting practice.

Category mapping in FileCabinet CS

Folder structure in FileCabinet CS with the Organize by Category checkbox unmarked:

WPCS send to FCAB

Folder structure in FileCabinet CS with the Organize by Category checkbox marked:

WPCS send to FCAB by cat

The following table illustrates how reports from various screens in the application are categorized when they are sent to FileCabinet CS.

Report type Category in FileCabinet CS

Includes client reports, staff-related reports, and tickmark list.

FIRMADMIN (separate drawer/client in FileCabinet CS)

Includes account grouping reports, Chart of Accounts reports, consolidation reports, general ledger reports, tax reports, Trial Balance reports, and more.

Financial Statements Financial Statements
Letters Accounting
Engagement binder

Includes Excel workpapers, Word documents, PDFs, PPC documents and checklists, and much more.


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