Integration workflow for audit-based engagements between SMART Practice Aids and Workpapers CS

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If you are licensed for and have PPC's SMART Practice Aids with the Fieldwork module installed, you can link engagement binders in Workpapers CS to SMART Practice Aids engagements to enable you to transfer, open, and edit SMART documents within the Workpapers Dashboard. For more information about audit-based engagements in Workpapers CS, see Workpapers workflow for audit-based engagements.

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Add Engagement binder
[Not supported by viewer]
Do you use SMART
Practice Aids?
[Not supported by viewer]
Do you have a
SMART Practice Aids
[Not supported by viewer]
Proceed through the Create Client Engagement wizard
[Not supported by viewer]
Choose Client name and Engagement type
[Not supported by viewer]
Engagement is
[Not supported by viewer]
Engagement is
[Not supported by viewer]
Choose which SMART documents to add to the linked engagement
[Not supported by viewer]
(Save if prompted)
(Save if prompted)
SMART documents are
available in the engagement
binder in the Workpapers
[Not supported by viewer]
SMART documents
are generated
[Not supported by viewer]
Workpapers CS
[Not supported by viewer]
SMART Practice Aids
[Not supported by viewer]
Click the Add button
on the PPC tab of the Engagement Binders screen to open SMART Practice Aids
[Not supported by viewer]
Select an existing
Select an existing<div>engagement</div>
Create SMART Docs
Create SMART Docs
Add workpapers to the engagement binder
[Not supported by viewer]
Create a new engagement
Create a new engagement

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