Workpapers portlets overview

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The Workpapers Dashboard consists of a number of portlets within a workspace that can be customized to meet your needs. Portlets in the engagement workspace can be easily moved, resized, and undocked from the main dashboard for maximum flexibility. You can open all the portlets in a single tabbed dashboard view, or create multiple tabbed pages that contain different portlets.

Choose View > Workpapers Dashboard.

Note: Only a single client's engagement binders can be viewed in the Workpapers Dashboard at one time.

Adding portlets

To add portlets to the dashboard, click the Select Portlets link in the top-right corner of the screen, or right-click in the dashboard and choose Select Portlets from the context menu. In the Select Portlets dialog, mark the checkbox next to the portlets that you want to add and click OK.


See also: Using the dashboards

Portlets that are available in the Workpapers Dashboard

Click the plus sign Expand tree sign button next to the engagement binder Briefcase icon icon in the Engagement Binders tree portlet to display expand and display the contents of the binder.


  • Double-click a workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree to open it in the application in which it was created. For example, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader, and so forth.
  • The commands that are available in the right-click context menus vary based on the item that is currently selected (engagement binder, folder, workpaper, or blank area in the portlet). In addition, certain commands such as, Return to Binder and Discard Checkout are available from the right-click context menu only when the workpaper is checked out. For details, see Right-click menus in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.
  • Folders that display with horizontal lines in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet () contain workpapers, and those without horizontal lines () contain no workpapers.

For details, see Using the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

Click the Login button in the File Exchange Documents portlet to sign into NetStaff CS portal to access and insert documents from the portal into the current engagement binder.

For details, see Using the File Exchange Documents portlet.

Select the engagement binder Briefcase icon, folder Folder icon, or workpaper Excel icon in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet with a note icon add note to view the note in the Notes portlet.

For details, see Working with Notes.

Select an engagement binder from the drop-down list to view all notes in the Notes List grid.

For details, see Using the Notes List portlet.

Click the Login button in the Onvio Documents portlet to sign in Onvio Documents to access and insert documents from Onvio Documents into the current engagement binder.

For details, see Using the Onvio Documents portlet.

Click the workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet to preview it in the Workpaper Preview portlet.

For details, see Using the Workpaper Preview portlet.

Right-click a workpaper in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet and choose Properties to edit the properties of a workpaper. Note that you can display the properties for a workpaper in the Workpaper Properties portlet, but you cannot make any changes to the selected workpaper in the portlet.

For details, see Workpaper Properties dialog.

Select an engagement binder from the drop-down list to view all workpapers in the Workpapers List grid.

For details, see Using the Workpapers List portlet.

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