Project solution icon is missing or blank in Practice CS

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Solutions are used to link Practice CS projects and/or tasks to other applications. Once a solution is added to a project or task, an icon appears in the Solution column of any project screen (such as Actions > Manage Projects). If the solution icon is missing or blank, see the troubleshooting steps below. Show me.

blank solution icon


Verify that a solution has been entered for the project or task. 

  1. Choose Actions > Manage Projects.
  2. Right-click the project and choose Edit Selected Projects.
  3. To add a solution to the project, stay on the Main tab. Use the Select solution drop-down to choose the desired solution.
  4. To add a solution to the task, click the Tasks tab. Highlight the task, then click the Edit button. Use the Select solution drop-down to choose the desired solution. Click the OK button.
  5. Click the Enter button to save the changes.

For more information, see Setting a solution for a project or task.

In Practice CS, choose Help > About Practice CS to verify the version installed. You can find the latest version and instructions on how to update in Practice CS: Current Version.

The program selected as the solution must be installed and accessible from the workstation in order for the solution icon to function properly.

CS Applications

If the solution is a CS Professional Suite application, run or rerun the desktop setup by completing the following steps.

  1. Close Practice CS on the workstation.
  2. Browse to X:\WinCSI\[program]\DESKTOP, where X is the mapped network drive or server name where the program is installed and [program] is the folder for the CS program you're trying to link to. The program folders are as follows: 
    • Accounting CS folder: Accounting CS
    • Financial Analysis CS folder: Financial Analysis CS
    • Fixed Assets CS folder: DSW
    • UltraTax CS folder: UTYY, where YY is the year. For example, UltraTax 2015 would be UT15.
  3. Right-click Setup or Setup.exe and choose Run as administrator.
  4. Follow the prompts to run the desktop setup.

If you need assistance running the desktop setup, contact Support for that program.

Non-CS applications

For Non-CS applications, consult your IT professional or support for that program to find out how to install or reinstall the application.

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, the application you are choosing as the solution will need to be reinstalled.

CS applications

Search the Help & How-To Center for installation instructions for the CS program that needs to be reinstalled. If you need assistance, contact Support for the CS program that needs to be reinstalled.

Non-CS applications

Consult your IT professional or support for that product to find out how to reinstall the application.

Virtual Office/SaaS

It is not possible to choose a locally installed programs as a solution in Practice CS in Virtual Office CS/SaaS or vice versa. If you use Practice CS in Virtual Office/SaaS, the solution icon will not appear if you do not own the product in the Virtual Office/SaaS environment. 

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Internal only

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you can direct the firm's IT professional to edit the following registry key on the machine having the problem. As with all registry changes, this should be done by an IT professional and the registry should be backed up before making a change. 

  1. Close Practice CS and the solution program.
  2. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppPaths in the Registry Editor.
  3. Find the .exe for the solution program (for example, UltraTax 2015 would be utw15.exe).
  4. Change the Path value data from UNC to mapped drive or vice versa.

If the firm encounters any problems running the desktop setup, transfer to the appropriate queue. If a firm needs assistance reinstalling a program you do not support, transfer to the appropriate queue.