Adding a short-year client

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  1. Choose File > New Client.
  2. If your firm has multiple data locations, verify that the appropriate location appears in the Data location field. (If your firm has not set up multiple data locations, this field is not available.)
  3. In the New Client dialog, complete each of the following fields.
    • Client ID
    • Name
    • Entity
    • EIN / SSN
    • Current fiscal year end
  4. Enter the appropriate information in the Calc period tab, or you may accept the default values.
  5. Click the Short years tab.
  6. In the Most recent field, enter the ending date of the month preceding the month that the short year began.

    Example: This is the client's first year and it is a short year. The client's fiscal year began May 15, 2018, and ended December 31, 2018. You would enter 4/30/18 in the Most recent field.

  7. Optional: To enter a password for this client's data, click the Advanced Properties button.
  8. Click OK to save the information. The Asset List window opens automatically.

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