Finding answers to your Fixed Assets CS questions

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Our Help & How-To Center offers quick access to the information you need while using Fixed Assets CS. From this one location, you can find details on new features, procedures for completing tasks, tips for increasing productivity or troubleshooting issues, alerts about timely issues, and more.

Accessing the Help & How-To Center

From within Fixed Assets CS, access the Help & How-To Center by any of the following methods.

  • Use the search Search field in the Fixed Assets CS toolbar field in the toolbar to search for relevant topics.
  • Click the Help Help button button to open a topic that is relevant to the current screen.
  • Press F1 or CTRL+Y to open a topic that is relevant to the current screen.
  • Choose Help > Help & How-To Center to open the Browse subjects for Fixed Assets CS topic.

Searching for information

The most efficient way to find answers to your questions is to take advantage of the robust search engine upon which the Help & How-To Center is built: the Google search engine. When searching for information in the Help & How-To Center, you can use the same strategies you use when you use Google to search for general information on the internet.

Search fields for searching the Help & How-To Center are accessible from two locations.

  • From within Fixed Assets CS: Use the search Search field in the Fixed Assets CS toolbar field in the toolbar.
  • From within the Help & How-To Center: Use the search Search field in Help & How-To Center field near the top of the topic.

Simply enter a search term or phrase and press ENTER to see a list of related topics that apply to Fixed Assets CS.

Sample searches

Here are some examples of searches you can try to find answers to some common questions for Fixed Assets CS.

  1. First, let's look for information on setting up the template client, which contains settings that can be applied to all clients. From within Fixed Assets CS, enter setting up the template in the search field in the toolbar and press ENTER.
  2. In the search results page that opens, the topics are listed in order of relevance. Click the Setting up the template link to open that topic.
  3. Now, let's look for information on entering a short year for a client. Enter entering a short year in the search field near the top of the topic and press ENTER.
  4. In the search results page that opens, click the Entering a short year for the current client link to open that topic.
  5. Now, let's explore how to narrow a search. Enter importing data in the search field and press ENTER.
  6. In the search results page that opens, note the large number of topics retrieved. Rather than scroll through the list, enter ascii between importing and data (so you are searching on “importing ascii data”) in the search field and press ENTER. The search results page now lists only those topics that apply to both of the search strings you entered.
  7. Click the Search Tips link next to the search field to open Google's "Search Tips" document, which provides additional strategies for effective searching.
  8. Click your browser's Back button to return to the search results page.

Additional features for finding information

If you're struggling to find what you're looking for through a standard search, the Help & How-To Center includes the following features that might help.

  • Browse subjects - Click the Browse Subjects button to view a list of subjects about Fixed Assets CS. Click a subject to view a list of topics related to that subject.

  • Index - Click the Index button to view an alphabetical list of keywords related to Fixed Assets CS. Click a keyword to view the associated topic.
  • Search options - Click the Search Options button to open a page where you can perform the following searches.
    • Search for information on a specific application: Use the Select an application field to search the Help & How-To Center for information on any application. Simply choose the application you want, enter your search terms in the search field, and press ENTER.
    • Focus your search by category: When you select an application, you'll see a list of categories you can use to focus your search. Simply mark the desired checkboxes, enter your search terms in the search field, and press ENTER.
    • Search the Help & How-To Center and our website: Before you enter your search terms, click the Search our website option to search Help & How-To Center content for all CS Professional Suite applications and content from the rest of our website (such as product profiles and descriptions of training courses).
  • Support - Click the Support button to access the Support section on our website, where you'll find information on downloading the latest releases of our applications, accessing the Tax & Accounting Community (formerly ARNE, our online user forum), contacting our Support department, and more.

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