Setting up associations for UltraTax CS state apportionment

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If you have used associations to sort/identify assets for state apportionment purposes in the past, you can use this procedure to quickly reassign a group of assets to the state apportionment association that is now used for the UltraTax CS state apportionment calculation.

To assign assets to the state apportionment association, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the desired client.
  2. Choose Edit > Reassign Assets.
  3. Identify the association that was previously used for sorting / identifying assets for state apportionment purposes.
  4. In the Focus group box, notice that a drop-down list appears for each association that maintains a list. Place your cursor in the field for the association that was previously used for state apportionment.

    Note: The first time you open the Reassign Assets dialog, the field for each association displays "All [association name]." However, if you have used the reassign feature previously, the field displays the association value you last selected.

  5. Select the association value that needs to be reassigned from the drop-down list. Now only the assets that are assigned to the selected association value appear in the Assets available to reassign pane above.
  6. Click the Select All button.
  7. In the Reassign to group box, select Apportionment Code from the Category field.
  8. In the Value field, select the apportionment code that is appropriate for the assets that are listed in the Assets to reassign pane.
  9. Click the Reassign button to assign the selected assets to the new apportionment code.
  10. The application asks if you want to reassign additional assets. Click the Yes button and repeat steps 4 - 9 until all assets are assigned to the appropriate apportionment codes.

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