Reassigning assets to a different activity, situs, or association (Inventory module)

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See also: Inventory processing sequence

Note: The Fixed Assets Inventory module is licensed separately from Fixed Assets CS.

To reassign an asset to a new business activity, situs, or association from within the Inventory module, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the active inventory.
  2. If necessary, select the active inventory in the Inventory dialog and click the Open button.
  3. Choose Edit > Reassign Assets.
  4. Select the assets you want to reassign in the Assets available to reassign pane on the left, then click the Select button to move the assets to the Assets to reassign pane.

    Note: You can use the fields in the Focus group box to limit the assets that are available in the Assets available to reassign pane.

  5. In the Reassign to group box, select the category (activity, situs, or association) to which you will reassign the asset from the Category field.
  6. Choose the value to which you will assign the selected assets from the Value field.

    When Situs is selected as the category, you can select any situs from the drop-down list. However, if you reassign an asset to a situs that hasn't been added to the client via Setup > Situses, you'll need to add the situs treatment to the client after the inventory is finalized.


    • When Activity is selected as the category, you can select all single-unit activities and multiple-unit activities that are set up for the client.
    • Only assets that are not in a multiple-unit activity can be reassigned to a different situs through the Reassign Assets dialog. Multiple-unit activity assets are assigned to a situs based on the activity in which they reside. To change the situs for a multiple-unit activity, choose Setup > Activities and edit the activity.
    • When an association is selected as the category, you can select any item set up for that association, or you may select no association.
  7. Click the Reassign button to move the selected asset to the new activity, situs, or association.
  8. Fixed Assets CS asks if you want to reassign additional assets. To reassign additional assets, click Yes and repeat steps 4 - 7. If you are done, click No.

Note: When you change assets in the Reassign Assets dialog, the inventory status of each asset is not automatically updated. You can manually update each asset's inventory status in the Inventory Asset List window, or you can update the inventory status for a group of assets using the Tasks > Reconcile Assets dialog.

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