Fixed Assets CS: Deleting Client Locks and User Locks

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The following message is displayed when opening a client and the client is not open and/or the user is not working in the program.

  • Cannot open client XXXXX: The depreciation client is network locked out by user: XXX, OR
  • Client XXXXX is networked locked.

To delete user or client locks in Fixed Assets CS, perform the following steps.

  1. Choose Help > Repair.
  2. Click the File Locks tab.
  3. Mark either the User locks or Client locks option, depending on which one you want to clear.
  4. If there is a user or client listed, highlight the item, and click Delete Lock.
  5. When prompted, click Yes to delete the lock.
  6. Click Done to exit the Repair dialog.

Note: If the user or client is not listed, refer to Deleting client locks and user locks in Windows Explorer for further troubleshooting.

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