Saving Document Search criteria

Saving search criteria

  1. In the Search pane, select the drawer in which to search for documents.
  2. Enter index values in the available fields of the Search pane. 
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. Click the save search button button to open the Save Search dialog.

    Save Search dialog

  5. In the Add Search field, enter the name to use for the save search and click the Add Add button button.

    Note: When naming the search, you cannot use the following characters: &, <, >, ", ~, or %.

    The application adds the search to the saved searches list.

    Show me.

    Save Search dialog

    You can click the X next to a saved search item to remove it from the list.

Selecting a saved search

GoFileRoom enables you to save up to 20 searches for each drawer.

To apply a saved search, click the save-search-favs-button button in the Search pane and select the applicable saved search from the list.

The application displays the documents that meet the search criteria in the Search results grid.

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